Showing posts from February, 2014

Plantain Clusters

Funke Koleosho's Plantain Clusters I served today's recipe to some members of my family the ot…

Nigerian Salad

Funke Koleosho's Coleslaw (Nigerian Salad) Traditionally, Nigerians eat very little raw vegetables…


I was watching one of my favourite food channels and just by coincidence a couple of fried dough recipes were…

Spicy Mashed Potatoes

Sometime ago my parents came visiting (the UK) and on one occasion I made them a British favourite, bangers…

Nigerian Fruits

"Fruits are nature's sweets".... Marge Simpson. Every time my daughter called for sweets…

Oils I Love - Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil Through my numerous researches into food and the art of cooking I stumbled on an article abou…

Rice & Beans Stir Fry

Sometimes I just want to eat something really quick. Something that is filling but not too much....something …

Oils I Love - Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil pic from This year I am making informed choices about the ingredients I…

Coconut Oil & Locust Bean Dressing

Funke Koleosho's Coconut Oil & Locust Beans Dressing Eat coconut oil!!! ... because it's goo…

The Togolese Beans Boat Has Berthed!

If you remember, I told you sometime ago that my father owned a bakery (still in existence and being manag…

Spicy Jollof Sushi

When I visited Leicester University it was not the fact that traditional Asian foods and condime…

Know The Facts - About Salt

Salt (pic courtesy LittleMiss Sara - What is Salt? According to Wikipedia, salt is a miner…

New Year New Things...

@Home in my kitchen Welcome to 2014!....I know..... it's a month too late....(hehehe). It has taken…

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